Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day with Cindra


We didn't post Friday.. We were to tired.  We hung out at the house with the exception of mom and I going to Walmart.  The selection of Spanish items was amazing.  Made in Mexico was the norm.  
   Yesterday we headed to the Kingdom Hall for a 10:00 Saturday meeting.  This hall has five congregations meeting here.  The double hall where Uncle Bob goes has eight congregations including Spanish and Russian.  We visited this hall where my cousin Cindra goes. She is only 52 years old. Cindra was in a terrible car accident in 1991 and suffered permanent brain and physical damage. She was pioneering when she had the accident and still has the pioneer spirit. She has a very creative side and loved to paint. The painting above is a sample of her talent. One painting was even in a Denver art museum.  Now she lives in a nursing home.  She needs picked up for meetings etc.. by Access A Ride which has a lift to get her in and out of the van.  She commented from her heart during the Watchtower study which was really encouraging.  The friends here told us she is dearly loved and that she is an inspiration to them all.
    Some facts about the Spanish congregation here. It is only a few years old.  It has 84 publishers with over 200 attending.  The memorial attendance was over 500!  Isn't that awesome!  And all this in a matter of several years!  The brother said  the Spanish was growing in leaps and bounds.  

Inside the Kingdom Hall.  

After the meeting we grabbed food to take back to Cindras place.  We couldn't resist a stop at Krispy Kreme doughnuts.  If you get there at the right time you get a free doughnut but that didn't happen so we went away with our dozen doughnuts.  Key Lime Cheesecake doughnut sure was good!

Everywhere we drive we can see the mountains.  If you look closely you can see the snow capped  mountains.  The weather has been terrible here.  No humidity and 70 degrees.  Don't know if we can take much more of it before we find a permanent residence.  The people are friendly and we haven't been in a bad area yet.  And the restaurants..... Never saw so many taco bells and other Mexican restaurants in all our life.  We would never see Juan again.  

Today is the big family get together.  We cooked last night and can't wait to see my cousins and their families. Cindra will be here also.   Tomorrow we go horseback riding at Rocky Mountain National Park.   Can't wait.  


  1. Katie, thank you for the card you sent to me. The restaurant looks really cool but please no gorillas for me! I miss you very much but I am glad you are having fun. We really like the pictures on your blog. Don't forget to practice your Spanish! Tell you family hello from my family.

  2. Ha ha, we miss you guys too! Hope everything is good back in Lewistown!
