Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Big Day In Rocky Mountain National Park

   We started off early and headed to Estes Park which is really a town at the north entrance to the Rocky Mountain National Park.I know there are a lot of pictures, but considering Kyle alone took almost 1200 Sunday and Monday this is only a snippet.
 The Flatirons near Boulder

 Now up through the canyon. Do you see the face in the rocks?

 Coming down into Estes Park

 Estes is a beautiful town with a river running through the center of town. It is more like a stream to us but then our mountains are speed-bumps out here.

 Here we go horseback riding


 Along with us are Teddy, Spike, Champ and Geronimo
 We not only saw these elk and another herd but also a flock of turkeys

 The views on the trail were awesome. We would end up near the tops of the distant mountains.

 Us and our guide Taylor

As you can see Colorado does not believe in guard rails.

 Above the tree line

This is the alpine visitors center in April. You can barely see the roof

This was only the third day the visitors center was open. It took 40 days to get everything plowed and open.You have to be off the mountain by 8 pm.

 Still engulfed by snow drifts

A storm blew through with snow and even lightning and thunder.

Now down the other side

 We would have walked down to the frozen lake but there was 2 feet of snow.

Now through BigThompson canyon to go home. This road was rebuilt in the 70's because a flash flood wiped out the whole canyon killing many people.


  1. Awesome Pictures! I guess it's still winter on top of the mtns. Enjoy the rest of your vacation.

  2. This looks incredible. Makes me think of Grizzly Adams and Wilderness Family. I actually have an urge to sing a John Denver song right now. Maybe 'Rocky Mtn High'. Enjoy the rest of your trip. Dave

  3. The horse back riding looked awesome -- where is Rose???
