Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Face Vocal Band

      We spent Tuesday evening at Nissis which is a dinner theater.  We saw the group Face which is an acapella  group made up of six members.  Mom had seen them perform several years ago and really wanted us to see them while we were here.  My wonderful cousins were able to pull it together and get us tickets.  We were not disappointed.  The show was terrific and we were even able to meet some of the group afterwards.  All the instrument sounds are made with their voices.  We recorded some of the songs on our phone/mp3 player.  Check them out if you want at  

Elise and Rodney on the right.  Leah and Brad on the left.  Mom and Katie on the left.  Dawn is taking the photo and Kyle and Chris didn't fit.  Sorry guys!

These guys actually performed on the show called "The Sing Off."

Four Corners to Denver

Four corners where Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Arizona meet. The closest thing to a tourist trap we came upon.

Durango's train station

On the way to Silverton

The only street in Silverton that was paved

On the million dollar highway between Silverton and Ouray

Ouray is called the Switzerland of Colorado. There is a Hot spring pool you can swim in. 81 degrees at one end and 104 at the other.

 At Maroon Bells, just outside of Aspen, you will find a lake that most have seen in photographs and calendars.

 The water was crystal clear

 One of two Beaver dams here

 A short hike up to another crystal clear beaver dam

 Going over Independence Pass
 This is a two lane road. Sometimes the guard rail did not exist and the white line had fallen off the side of the mountain.

Too much to take in