Thursday, May 30, 2013

New Assembly Hall, Red Rock and Casa Bonita

Uncle Bob wanted to go by the new Assembly Hall here in Denver. Actually this is the only one in Colorado,Wyoming, Utah and Montana. It serves also for the District Conventions. It was just finished this spring.

This is the view east from the parking lot

We headed west and into the foothills 

Entering red rock

Notice the tunnel

Denver is way in the background above Bob 

Katie Kyle and I hiked up into the rocks and now we are looking down towards the amphitheater.

For supper we went to a famous Denver restaurant Casa Bonita. It is on of the largest restaurants in the world seating 900 people. Inside are waterfalls with cliff divers, live shows and a ton of different seating themed arrangements We hit after the big rush and then just walked around.


A long day
Here we are at the airport and this is Uncle Bob and Rose. Just a little bumpy ride in. We  passed by some nasty storms over the mid-west.
 A little rain but this was our first glimpse of the Rockies.  Still snowing up in the mountains. As we looked across the range Bob said that we were seeing the mountains from pikes peak to above rocky Mountain Park a distance of 175 miles. These mountains are about 40 miles away.
Going to Red Rock today. More photos on the way.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Getting There

  We will try to make this as painless as possible. Just pictures of the good stuff we have seen and none of the "Hey, doesn't that tire track look like an angel." We will have a few days around Denver with the family so the the scenery part may start off a little slow. But in time. Kyle and Katie have both inherited their mothers love of pictures so we should have much to choose from.